Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Writting asigment


The book its about 12 districts that ones a year, every district choose randomly a girl and a boy to go to survive in a game. Exist a lot of injustice between all the districts. The Capitol regulates the districts, but talking economically and socially district 12 is the worst. I am going to write a letter by all the people in district 12 to president Snow, talking about inequality that district 12 have compared to all the others districts.  We are going to show you a possibility to reduce the inequality in the games, implementing a close training center, where people of the district 12 may go to stay a bunch of time learning tactics, survivence technique, etc. The main purpose of the letter, is that the president Snow make a change in district 12 and change his mind to start noticing district 12 as a super power in the games.

The Final Work

Dear President Snow:

                                               As a district we are writing this letter because we find it necessary to inform you about the inequality in district 12 compared to all the others districts in the games. You may know that our district is not a very good represent in the games, with a result of only one winner in 74 years of games. That’s why we are sending you this letter, to let you know how we are going to do it.

                                               This year, as you may know, it was different because in our reaping ceremony last weekend, it appears our first volunteer in 74 years. People may think that this volunteer is a boy, but in this opportunity (who knows when this opportunity would appear again) was a girl. Her name is Katnis Everdeen, and she was trained all the past year to finally volunteer in the games. We think she have the same skills of anybody else in the other distric that prepared themselves to games. If she wins the games, she promise that would create a closed training center in where people in distric 12 (does not matter what age you have) could train and specialize in any skill they want. This promise would make the distric 12 better in the games. You, as the capitol president, would see us as a super power distric in the games. With this training center, we can change our economy, in the way that we could win others games and with that money invert in our distric. The economy here in distric 12, is enhancing by the coalmine and the black market, and we would like to change this type of income.

                                               Peeta Melark, was not a volunteer, but he was without fear in the reaping because if he was not chosen, he was going to volunteer himself. Peeta Melark, propose that if he wins the games, he was going to donate all the money in public constructions because the constructions here are very poor.

                                               To conclude this letter, we want to remain you that this is our first and only opportunity to win the games and with this opportunity, we could change our life conditions and the capitol (you), would take another point of view of us.

                                                                                  Regards and thank you for your time

                                                                                                                     Alfred Johnson